Pre-Surgery Checklist
Please ensure that the following occur in advance of your surgical date. Everything on the list should be performed at Hospital for Special Surgery, if applicable. If you have any questions, please contact the office at (212)606-1128 to go over the checklist
- Medical clearance with an HSS physician
- Chest x-ray
- Recent Hip or Knee x-rays, within the last 3 months
- Electrocardiogram (EKG)
- Blood testing
- Urinalysis
- Education class - either in person, or via webinar (for some types of surgery)
- Update insurance information with the office to ensure proper pre-authorization
- Relax...We realize that having surgery is not an easy prospect, but it is something we do everyday, and it has the ability to transform your life!
Please check with the clearing medical doctor about which medications you should stop in advance of surgery. If you are on a blood thinner (warfarin, heparin, Pradaxa, Arixtra, etc), please let us know at least 2 weeks before surgery, as these medicines need to be discontinued in order to be able to perform the surgery safely.
The Center for Hip Pain & Preservation
541 East 71st Street
New York, NY 10021