Update on Hip Resurfacing in 2020 - Zoom Webinar
Dr. Su speaks to patients using Zoom, talking about the potential advantages of hip resurfacing, providing updated results, and looking towards the future.
Causes of Hip Arthritis and When to have surgery
Dr. Su gives a comprehensive lecture about hip resurfacing to a gathering of patients in California, March 2013.
Why Resurface vs. Total Hip Replacement
Advantages of Hip Resurfacing
Surgical Technique and Post-op Recovery
Results of Hip Resurfacing
Women and Resurfacing, and Questions and Answer session with patients
Mark Baer 4 weeks post op Hip Resurfacing by Dr. Su
Mark Baer 8 weeks post op Hip Resurfacing by Dr. Su.
Vince DePalma had bilateral hip resurfacing by Dr. Su.
Spinning hip resurfacing
This video demonstrates the low friction surfaces of a well-made metal on metal hip resurfacing implant
The Center for Hip Pain & Preservation
541 East 71st Street
New York, NY 10021